Why Are My Amazon PPC Ads Not Converting?

Amazon PPC is an advertising platform made for Amazon sellers to promote their products and brands. It works on an auction style by which the advertisers bid on keywords and ASINs and uses the pay-per-click system. As an advertising tool used in the world’s biggest e-commerce, it surely has its own complexities. As a leading marketing agency, we at Lezzat have helped many clients create and manage Amazon PPC ads that drove sales to their stores. On one hand, we have also seen many clients struggle without help. In this article, we will discuss the common reasons why campaigns are not converting and how we can fix them.

Poor Keyword Targeting

One of the biggest mistakes that Amazon PPC advertisers commit is poor keyword targeting. Having the right keywords is very important as they are the foundation of a campaign. Without the right keywords, your ads will not show up at the right places in front of the right people. To fix this, make sure to have a comprehensive keyword research to find the most relevant keywords for your products. Using tools in doing keyword research is a great help since it will make the process not only more efficient, but also more thorough, extracting as many related keywords as you can. Once you have a list, ensure to place these keywords in the titles, bullet points, descriptions, and backend.

Unoptimized Landing Pages

Another key factor that enables your ads to convert into sales is your landing pages. If your landing pages are unoptimized, you might lose out on potential sales. To avoid this, ensure that your landing pages are retail-ready or optimized with the following: 

▪ Clear and concise product descriptions

▪ High-quality images

▪ Strong call-to-action (CTA)

▪ Product reviews and ratings

▪ SEO-optimized content

▪ Unattractive Offer

The competition within the Amazon ecosystem is undoubtedly high. If you fail to provide a competitive offer, your ad will not likely convert. To ensure a sale, look into your competitors’ listings and see what they’re doing with their products, prices, promotions, and content. Make sure to create an offer that will make your customers choose your store.

Low Quality Ads

Aside from the landing pages, you also have to make sure that your ad copy is clear and persuasive. It needs to be engaging and strong if you want conversions. An effective ad copy is enticing and makes the audience click on it to learn more and make a purchase eventually. For a converting ad copy, make sure that it contains the following:

▪ Unique value proposition (UVP)

▪ Benefits of the product

▪ Sense of urgency

▪ High-quality images, displays, or  videos

Poor Bid Management

Bid management plays a crucial role in the success of your campaigns, and it can be tricky to manage. If you’re bidding too low, your ads might not show up in the right places. Bidding too high might cost you more than necessary. You have to find the sweet spot that will help your campaigns perform according to your goals. Optimize your campaigns regularly to avoid these problems.

Insufficient Data Collection

Data collection is very important to measure the success of your campaigns. When data is insufficient, you won’t be able to make well-informed decisions, which will affect the overall performance of your campaigns. Make sure to track the following metrics to collect enough data:

▪ Cost per click (CPC)

▪ Conversion rate

▪ Return on ad spend (ROAS)

▪ Impression share

▪ Click-through rate (CTR)

Not Taking Advantage of Amazon’s Features

Besides the Sponsored Product Ads, Amazon also offers other types of ads that can be leveraged to achieve your overall campaign goals. Look into each one and see how it will contribute to your objectives.

▪ Amazon’s sponsored products

▪ Amazon’s sponsored brands

▪ Amazon’s sponsored display ads

Poor Ad Placement

Ad placements pertain to the locations where your ads appear. If your ads don’t show up in the right places, they won’t reach your target customers. Use the following ad placements to display your ads at the desired locations:

▪ Top of search results

▪ Product detail page

▪ Amazon’s shopping pages

Not Using Negative Keywords

Adding negative keywords to your campaigns helps improve your overall conversions. When you include negative keywords, you’re telling Amazon to not display your ads to these keywords. This means that your campaigns will focus more on targets that are relevant and are more likely to convert. If you don’t use negative keywords, your campaigns might show up in the most random places, incur unnecessary spend, and even hurt your overall rankings. Make sure to find and negate keywords that include the following characteristics:

▪ Low CTR Non-Converters

▪ High-Click Non-Converters

▪ High-Spend Low Converters 

To conclude, there are several factors why PPC campaigns are not performing. To solve this problem, make sure to conduct a thorough keyword research to get the most relevant targets, optimize the landing pages, create high-quality ads, manage bids effectively, collect sufficient data, take advantage of Amazon’s features, and place ads in the right locations. Following these practices will help your PPC campaigns perform better, ultimately driving conversions and growing your business.

If you’re still struggling with your PPC ads, it may be time to consider seeking the help of a professional marketing agency like Lezzat. With our extensive experience in Amazon PPC advertising, we can help you optimize your campaigns for maximum results. We’ll work with you to create a custom strategy that meets the unique needs of your business and drives conversions and sales.

Don’t let poor-performing Amazon PPC ads hold your business back. Contact us at Lezzat to learn how we can help you drive more sales and grow your business through effective Amazon PPC advertising.


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